File Conversion Made Easy

Gordon Govier

Zamzar LogoI have a digital camera that records videos, which I occasionally post to YouTube or Facebook. But if I need to edit the video first, I have a problem, because Windows Movie Maker doesn’t recognize my camera’s format. I’ve downloaded some conversion software in the past but it never works as well as I’d like. Then I discovered Zamzar.

I can upload my video to Zamzar, choose whatever file format I want, and after a short wait I can download the video in the new format.  Zamzar will convert images, documents, music, and even eBooks. It looks pretty utilitarian. And it’s free.

After I tested the video conversion, this next question popped into my mind: Will it convert PDFs to Word files so they can be editable? So, I uploaded a PDF. Twenty seconds later an email popped into my inbox, giving me the Zamzar link to download my now-Word-formatted document. Amazing.

(via Profhacker)

By Gordon Govier | Posted: Mar 11, 2011
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