Yes, You Might Need $200 Headphones

Brian Barela

beats by dr. dreI purchased a pair of Beats by Dr. Dre Solo headphones two years ago that have significantly increased my productivity.

Noise Cancellation

Eliminating distracting noises and ambient conversations allows me to complete tasks quicker and efficiently, especially when I’m working at coffee shops and restaurants.

Visually Show Your Busy-ness

Sometimes my slim pair of iPhone headphones do not prevent others from interrupting me with a question. The size of these headphones help communicate to others that I am working on something important, even if I am just playing Angry Birds on the web.

Do two reasons justify the $200 expense? That’s for you to decide–but if you have repeatedly found yourself aimlessly looking around Starbucks while overhearing multiple conversations then you just might say yes.

Editor’s Note: Want those benefits without the $200 price tag of Beats? Check out this tip on making cheap noise isolation headphones from Lifehacker.

What kind of headphones do you use? Have you gone noise-canceling yet?

By Brian Barela | Posted: Jun 20, 2011
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